Cold Case to foster children: "Drop dead"
Or rather, "you should have been aborted." That's the message that comes through loud and clear when the CBS show Cold Case demonizes the person who talked the parents of a subsequent foster child out of having her aborted. The pro-lifer is cast in less sympathetic light than the murderer. Why? Because she talked an unmarried teen couple out of having an abortion. The show never openly confronts the daughter with the ideas inferred by the revulsion expressed at the pro-lifer, which are: your biological mother would have been better off if you had died in her womb; and your life is less valuable than your biological mother's dreams for her own life.
It's astonishing how callous Hollywood is towards those who are pro-life, and those whose lives they save. Then again, it's probably inevitable that if you twist your conscience to condone the murder of the unborn, the rest of your values are going to be twisted with it. If you think that a pregnant teenager should snuff out the innocent life within her if it's inconvenient for her to bear a child, there's no telling what else you might think is right.
It's astonishing how callous Hollywood is towards those who are pro-life, and those whose lives they save. Then again, it's probably inevitable that if you twist your conscience to condone the murder of the unborn, the rest of your values are going to be twisted with it. If you think that a pregnant teenager should snuff out the innocent life within her if it's inconvenient for her to bear a child, there's no telling what else you might think is right.
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