Friday, October 28, 2005

Top Story: Steve Gilliard is black

Apparently the blogger who put blackface on Michael Steele's photograph is himself black. I guess that means it's okay.

I retract everything I have said in criticism of his actions, and want to apologize for having disagreed with a black person. Because it's okay for black people to slander black people. It's wrong only if a white person does it.

If I can be serious for a moment? Steve Gilliard's actions are symptomatic of a very despicable way of thinking: that if you have the right skin colour and the right (or I should say left) politics, you should be allowed to do things that white people (and conservatives "of colour") could never get away with. I guess if a taxi passes you by, everyone suddenly has to defer to you in all political discussions, unless you're a conservative.

Here's what's really sad: any time a black person comes up with a good idea or has a proposal that would truly help black people in America, he's attacked and shunned by 90% of the other black people in America. It has nothing to do with the idea's merits or demerits, but whether or not it's a Republican idea - if it's got an "R" next to it, it's evil, or so black people are raised to believe. After all Republicans have always been the party of racism, right? Oh wait, no, they were the party founded expressly to end the racist institution of slavery in America. The Democrats were the ones for slavery. But they changed soon afterwards: in 18- uh, 19-... the 1960's! 'Cause that's when they tried to stop the Civil Rights Act from being passed... oh wait, that was the Democrats again. They went after the first black president in the 90's! Except he was actually white. Come to think of it, Republicans have:

1. Ended slavery in America (1860's)
2. Fought racist democrats in the south to their knees, both militarily and politically (1860's-present)
3. Opposed minimum wage laws which dramatically increase black unemployment (1930's-present)
4. Passed civil rights legislation (1960's)
5. Fought for school vouchers, which would increase economic opportunity for American blacks more than anything except repeal of the minimum wage (19??-present)
6. Forced the first black president to enact welfare reform laws, increasing economic opportunity for blacks (1990's)

So why would any black in his right mind support a party that has fought to keep slavery, keep racial segregation in schools, impose racial segregation on the military, impose minimum wage laws (read: young black male unemployment laws), oppose civil rights legislation, oppose school vouchers, and now takes the black vote for granted?

It takes lies about history, and thorough indoctrination; it takes despicable role models like Revs. Jackson and Sharpton; it takes vicious lies about those who do stand up for what's right (labeling them "Uncle Tom" or "Sambo"); it takes a generation of youngsters who know more about 50 Cent than about Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams, Larry Elder, Michael Steele, and all of conservative thought; it takes the rotten education that these kids will continue to get in the rotten schools that they're stuck in without vouchers; but it can be done, as we are seeing. Can anything be done to the contrary? I'm glad you asked. Yes, we can overcome all the advantages the left holds in the battle for the hearts and minds of blacks. We just have to be unafraid of the attacks that are a natural reaction to the truth. We must continue to speak the truth, even when accused of racism. Most black leftists are woefully undereducated and misled by the schools and their "leaders," but they are not stupid or dishonest. If we are persistent and honest, most of them will see the truth.



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