Thursday, November 03, 2005

Got logic?

I was catching up on my Ted Rall, and I came across this in a piece of... commentary from October 26. I know he's an easy target, but this was just too funny.
[A New York Daily News article] says that George W. Bush knew about Karl Rove's scheme to blow CIA agent Valerie Plame's cover for years, that he was Rove's partner in treason from the start, that his claims of ignorance were lies. The News article is anonymously sourced but we know it's 100 percent true because the White House won't deny that Bush is a traitor.
I guess by that "logic" we know allegations that Hillary Clinton shot Vince Foster in the back of the head were also "100 percent true" because the White House at the time never denied that Mrs. Clinton was a murderer.

By that same line of reasoning, we know that Ronald Reagan sneaked out of the White House at night to go steal a can of beans from a homeless person, and cooked it and ate it so he could laugh at the suffering he had caused. But then again, Mr. Rall probably believes that. Oh well.

This just goes to show that logic should be taught in our schools (and it probably would be if there were no government schools). People wouldn't vote for candidates like Kerry and Bush in the primaries, so the rest of us wouldn't be stuck with choices like that in November. We would probably be much closer to adhering to the constitution in our government. In fact, if he had learned how to reason, Ted Rall wouldn't make himself look like a moron by posting articles like this on the internet - on second thought, maybe it's not such a bad thing that people don't know how to reason.



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