Monday, February 13, 2006

In defense of "ragheads"

It seems that in a speech at a conservative political gathering (CPAC) Ann Coulter has referred to the enemies of the U.S. as "ragheads." I heard about that a day or two ago, but I didn't think it was worth commenting on. But then I realized, I have referred to Ann Coulter as my heroine. So, to explain why I'm not going to change that, I am writing this post.

First, Ann Coulter says and writes outrageous things. That's what she does to make the money she lives (and thrives) on. There must be a market for it. I have a theory on why that is. First, right-wingers hear all the time about how they're nazi-racist-sexist-bigot-homophobes (as Rush Limbaugh would say - at least, he used to say that, but I don't listen to him much anymore). After hearing over-the-top vitriol spewed at us and those we admire, and seeing no consequences for those who spew, we have a tendency to want revenge. Ann Coulter toes the line between rational conservative thought and vindictive bile. All conservatives hate being lashed out at by "leftist weenies," but Coulter is one of very few who lash back. It makes for an interesting weekly read, and her columns, in my experience, are much more intelligent and thoughtful than her publicized comments from CPAC.

Did I mention that it's humour? Ann joked about killing liberal Supreme Court justices, and Bill Clinton, and I think those jokes are not funny. If I had kids, I wouldn't let them joke like that. And I don't think Ms. Coulter should have uttered them. (If you're a Democrat, ask yourself whether or not this is any worse than Al Franken's jokes.) Perhaps you're wondering why I didn't mention the "raghead" comment. Well, I don't think it's as bad as joking about murdering people.

Here's what Ann Coulter said that has everyone calling her a "racist:"
"I think our motto should be, post-9-11, 'raghead talks tough, raghead faces consequences."

What race is offended by that? Muslims? Does that mean that Ted Kennedy is racist against conservatives? Is the NY Times racist against Christians? Islam is not a race. People choose to be Muslims, or not to be Muslims - or at least, in America that's still a choice. It's not racist to disparage a religion. It may be insensitive to that religion, but it's not like hating people because they're born, say, Jewish. If you were to make a political cartoon that depicted Hebrew Jews as, say, bloodsucking warmongers, that would be racist. But one can choose not to be a Muslim. Even in Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iran, people have been risking their lives to choose not to be Muslims - proving that "Muslim" is not a race.

Now, should Ms. Coulter have called Muslims who speak out against the U.S. "ragheads"? No. I wouldn't. Again, if I had kids, I wouldn't let them use the term "raghead." But then again, most people are unoffended when they watch a WWII movie and someone says "kraut." That's an ethnic slur, at least as bad as "raghead," considering that there were many hard-working, law-abiding, on-our-side German-Americans in the U.S. in WWII, just as there are hard-working, law-abiding, on-our-side Muslim Americans in the U.S. now. Yet American "krauts" got over it. They got on with their lives, and they proved that they were on our side. They condemned Naziism. Too many Muslims in America are just looking around for something to complain about, be it Ann Coulter's injudicious comments, or some non-terrorist Muslim who was deported because he had violated his visa, or some turn of phrase that some low-level bureaucrat used, or what have you. They should look to German-Americans and Japanese-Americans of WWII as examples of how to be American.

Again, I don't think Coulter should have used the word "raghead." Even worse, I think, is calling for the assassination of people who should, at worst, be put in prison. Obviously, she was having a bad day. Maybe she just wanted the controversy so she would have something to write about in her next column. Whatever.

If you are a Muslim who believes in freedom, just remember that calling on the government (or anyone other than Ms. Coulter) to make her watch her language, is very anti-freedom. Remember that many in America see institutions like CAIR pretending to be moderate Muslims, then turning around and aiding and abetting the U.S.'s enemies. You need to find a way to be more visible and more vocal if you don't want "Muslims vs. America" or "Muslims vs. freedom" to be good ways of describing the most important conflict the 21st century. Remember that Muslim governments like those in Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Pakistan, Iran, and many others, are very tyrannical, and make it very dangerous to be a Jew, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Democrat, Republican, or even the wrong kind of Muslim in those countries. Remember that Muslims in France rioted for weeks and destroyed many cars in sad display of mindless violence. These are the things that people see when they look at the Muslim community from the outside. Maybe you are a peaceful, freedom-loving Muslim. If you are, speak up, speak out, not against Ann Coulter, but against those who are really a threat to the freedom of Muslims: the religious and political tyrants of Muslim countries. Support America, the one country that represents freedom more than any other country in the world.



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