Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A trip to Seattle

I've found a guy I shared a plane ride and a conversation with on a trip to Seattle recently (and by that I mean almost two months ago). Or at least, I've found his blog. It was easy. I just clicked on Technorati up there in the top right of this page (something I once put on here and promptly forgot what it was, and why I put it on), and then I clicked around on the people who have linked to my page, and voila! It's the lefty from the flight to Seattle. (And I mean "lefty" in the best possible way.) He has written a post about our discussion, and, while brief and from his point of view, is nonetheless much better than I could do, because he has a much more detailed memory than I do, and he's fair (almost as fair and balanced as I am).

I cannot vouch for the material on his whole blog, that is, its appropriateness for children (or adults for that matter), but I have read the post I've linked to, and it's unobjectionable and informative. Check out the post.



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