Monday, October 10, 2005

Different responses - a quick ideological diagnostic

I was just catching up on my Malkin, and I came upon a fascinating story, sent to her by a reader, regarding to the new self-defense law in Florida. Here's the meat of it:
An unfortunate example of this case law in action... a paramedic responding to a heart
attack call broke a window next to the front door of the home in order to gain entry to
help the victim. Unfortunately, the window belonged to the duplex next door, and not
to the home of the victim. The elderly occupant next door shot the intruder, not
realizing he was a paramedic. It was ruled justifiable under the Castle Doctrine.
If you want to know what your ideology is and what it would be called, take this quick test.

Question 1: What was your initial response to the above story?
A.) A sad story, but no laws were broken.
B.) The gunman should be held responsible in some way. An innocent man was shot!
C.) A man was shot! If the elderly man hadn't had the gun, it wouldn't have happened. The manufacturers of the gun should be sued for their neglect of important gun safety features that could have prevented this tragedy.
D.) We should ban private gun ownership, and this would never happen again.
E.) We should ban foods high in saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt, and mandate physical exercise; that way people wouldn't have heart attacks, and this would never happen again.
F.) The paramedic was probably a Gore supporter in 2000, and the elderly man was probably an undercover agent of the Rove administration.

If you answered:
A - You're a libertarian/conservative/right-wing: the principle of personal liberty ruled by evenly-applied laws is important to you
B - You're right-wing, but your love of law and order is smothering your love of liberty (or you're not a very careful reader)
C - You're a moderate or a left-winger: you're willing to compromise constitutional principles in order to make life better/safer for the ignorant masses.
D - You're far-left: the constitution and any other law in your way can go to hell, because you're on a quest for cosmic justice.
E - (See "D")
F - You're a kook-fringe conspiracy-theorist, and I want to invite you to be a guest blogger on my humour blog. Just leave a comment on BB's Blog explaining you got an "F" on my SRS ideology test. Since BB and I are the same person, I should know what you're talking about.

Thanks for taking my little test. I hope you're happy with your score. (Note I didn't issue points, because in some places you get big points for answering D, E, or F. On the other hand, some people will respect you a lot if you believe in A. It all depends on whose admiration you're striving for.)



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