Wednesday, September 28, 2005

DeLay of game

So Republican representative from Texas Tom DeLay is a crook? What was that he did? He (omigosh!) tried to help consenting adults fund political speech, something that violates campaign finance law. That's right, political speech violates campaign finance law. In this case, the law that DeLay broke is a Texas state law, but the principle is the same: you can either respect campaign finance laws or you can respect U.S. and state constitutions to which such laws are supposed to be subordinate. You see, the U.S. constitution says that congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech, or of the press. And yet congress did just that with "campaign finance reform," putting limits on what can be said during a campaign, and when, and how - abridging freedom of the press as well as of speech. The story is pretty much the same with the Texas constitution. In fact, in the middle of typing that last sentence, I went to the Texas state government web site and copied the following text directly out of their constitution:

no law shall ever be passed curtailing the liberty of speech or of the press

It seems pretty clear that they're not supposed to have laws curtailing the liberty of speech and of press, does it not? So whatever doodoo DeLay might be in is nothing compared to what the Texas legislature should be in for disobeying their own constitution. They should be removed from office in an emergency recall election, and every one of them replaced by Austrian bodybuilders. But seriously, when are legislatures - both federal and local - going to start abiding by the constitutions that are supposed to govern them? And if they're not, where are the checks a balances? I guess they're busy making up their own unconstional legislation in the forms of executive orders and judicial rulings. [sigh]


P.S. If DeLay gets kicked out of congress for this, we need to repeal CFR laws without DeLay.


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