Thursday, September 15, 2005

Katrina looters are evil

There's no excuse for looting big-screen TV's in the middle of a crisis. There's no justification for what these pigs are doing. One of them shot a police officer in the head. If this is the way we behave when our neighbors need our help, we don't deserve to govern ourselves. Chaos is not freedom. Chaos is the progenitor of tyranny. When someone has the opportunity to loot, he should ask himself, "Do I want to live in a place without the rule of law?" A place like Uzbekistan, where the one with the most bribes wins. Or Haiti, where if you don't taste silver when you're born, you're practically doomed to live out your brief existence in your own filth (or someone else's) on the streets. Haiti is like that because people who thought they were poor took what they could get, any way they could get it - and now their children and grandchildren are finding out what poverty really is.

If you don't think looting is a big deal, if you take what isn't yours when you get the chance, you're helping to kill the police. And you're pushing your city/state/country towards the slope to Haiti. So go ahead and loot if you don't think a few lives are worth that new TV, and if you don't mind your descendants being covered in their own urine, just so long as you get that sweet gizmo from Radio Shack that you've always wanted.


Note: this blog entry used to be found at Backlog Bob's Blog. It no longer appears there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If taking something that isn't yours, ie. "Looting", kills police, then I guess the dozen or so cops caught "Looting" themselves were killing themselves.

8:42 PM  
Blogger weblogbob83 said...

It doesn't at all diminish my point to say that some of those doing the looting were police. Perhaps I should have said "helping to kill the *honest* police." But in fact seeing police involved in the looting merely demonstrated how far the respect for the rule of law had decayed in New Orleans. Contrast that with Houston, which as a city has far more respect for the rule of law. It has a thriving economy - such that many Katrina refugees don't want to go back to New Orleans.

11:47 PM  

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