Thursday, February 01, 2007

Don't embarrass your local leftist police state

...because they will jail you for inadvertently exposing them as frightened bugs. Some ad company for the Cartoon Network paid a man to place harmless little light-up mooninite magnets all over Boston (in exactly the same way that men had been paid to put harmless little light-up mooninite magnets all over certain cities in New York, Texas, California, Washington, etcetera). Well, Boston police panicked. The bomb squad was called in, the mayor and the governor told everyone to be alert. Basically everyone in the Mecca of "Progressivism" was humiliated. Well, leftists hate being humiliated, just like anyone else does. Unlike others, however, they abuse their power to try to destroy those responsible, even though those responsible in this case were probably some of their biggest fans. This is hilarious, but it serves as a cautionary tale: when visiting leftist cities, especially old-headed ones like Boston, don't do anything that might be perceived as a threat. Or anything that might be perceived as funny, or light-hearted. Basically, just avoid cities like Boston for the rest of your life.


P.S. Some of you probably know I'm from the Seattle area, and I love it out there, though Seattle is pretty much the leftmost point in America. But you have to admit: no one's going to be arrested for anything like placing mooninites around Seattle. For one thing, Seattle officials have probably seen Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
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