Sunday, April 16, 2006

The little Google boycott that could

I removed Google's ads from my page. (At least, I think I did - I'm still not very good at this "computer" stuff yet.) There are two reasons for this. First, they were making money from these ads, and I wasn't. Second, and more importantly, I don't want to support a company that brazenly supports the deception of an oppressed people. They hide behind claims of supporting the local laws and customs - but they won't support the local laws and customs banning child porn in the U.S. Free speech for child molestors in the U.S., but not for Chinese freedom fighters persecuted by their own "government."

Please, if you do a Google search, don't click on any "sponsored links" - if you want to visit the site which sponsored the link, open a new browser window, and type in the url given with the sponsored search result - thus diminishing Google's revenue. If you encourage all of your friends to stand by Chinese dissidents by boycotting Google's ads, we might be able put a dent in their bottom line.


Friday, April 07, 2006

I thought this was interesting

Apparently Larry Kudlow has the same idea I had last year in October: no limits, full disclosure on immigration. It's nice when a nationally renowned and syndicated columnist who writes for a prestigious print and online publication happens to think the same way I do, only six months later. Someone should pay me to come up with these ideas. Please.

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