I'm sick of hearing (and reading) that the clash of freedom vs. fundamentalist Islam is a clash of 21st century civilization vs. 13th century barbarism. That's totally unfair to the 13th century. There were plenty of intelligent, rational, and above all, peaceful people in the 13th century. None of the Islamic fundamentalists is peaceful, and the overwhelming majority aren't intelligent or rational. This is just a clash of peaceful, happy, industrious people vs. violent, bloodthirsty savages who are unwilling to work.
I know that if some stranger stumbles across this, I'm probably going to be accused of slandering all Muslims. If the shoe fits, then fine: I am writing about you. Lots of hard-working, peaceable people call themselves Muslims, and that's fine. I don't care what you call yourself - if you want to live in peace with me, I'll live in peace with you; 99.9% of free, western people feel the same way. But if you want to riot and fly planes into buildings and send your children with bombs strapped to their chests to blow up themselves and some Jews too, that's where there's a problem. If you want to shoot a two-year-old girl in the face because she's a Jew or a Christian, then there's a problem. Or if you want to support people who do such things because they're Muslims and you're a Muslim, then there's a problem.
I may write more later about many of the good, intelligent, wise, benevolent people of the 13th century. But I don't have time right now. Remember: don't knock the 13th century, and choose peace.